
The Archangel Michael
5 x 6.75 inches
One of the four named Archangels, we read about Michael in the Books of Daniel, Jude and Revelation. His name means "Who is like God". Saint Michael is a protector of the faithful and an adversary of wickedness. He is the leader of heaven's army. In the sanctuary, Michael is shown on the Deacon Door to the left of the Royal Doors, with Gabriel on the right. This tile is a typical Russian depiction of the Archangel, and the face intentionally draws aspects from a heavily damaged XV century icon by Andrei Rublev. The Synaxis of Saint Michael is celebrated November 8.
Supreme Leaders of God's armies and ministers of the divine glory, princes of the bodiless Angels and guides of men, ask what is good for us and great mercy, as Supreme Leaders of the Bodiless Hosts.
We suggest these glazes for this tile:
Transparent, Oxide or Jade
The First Joy Of Mary
7.75 x 7.75 inches
The first great joy that Mary had, it was the joy of One To see her dear Son Jesus Christ when He was first her Son. When He was first her Son, good man, and blessed may He be, The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost for all eternity.
From an ongoing series of scenes from the life of Mary, The text comes from a traditional Irish carol, which is itself from an earlier Latin text. The First Joy of Mary is a traditional depiction of the Nativity. Mother and Child are shown resting in a cave, attended to by an ox, an ass, an angel, and a representation of the Trinity. To the left is Centaurea, whose flowers grow in the form of the Magen David. To the right is clover, whose three leaves remind us of the Trinity. At the four corners are the angel, eagle, ox and lion, which are associated with the four gospel writers.
We suggest these glazes for this tile:
Transparent or Oxide
The Second Joy Of Mary
7.75 x 7.75 inches
The next great joy that Mary had, it was the joy of Two To see her dear Son Jesus Christ to make the lame to go. To make the lame to go, good man, and blessed may He be, The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost for all eternity.
Christ healing the cripple (Mark 2:1-12). Above are the friends who had lowered the palsied man from the roof. Mary looks on from an alcove. To the left is Saint Mark and his symbol, the eagle. To the right is Gabriel and a traditional representation of the heavens. This scene shows not only the power and mercy of the Savior, but also the good friendship of the companions, who raised the roof so their friend could have a miracle.
We suggest these glazes for this tile:
Transparent or Opaque
The Archangel Gabriel
1.3 x 2 inches
One of the four named Archangels, Gabriel is the bearer of glad tidings. In the Book of Daniel, Gabriel is an interpreter of visions and announces the coming of the Messiah. In the Gospels, he tells of the birth of John the Baptist and announces the incarnation of Jesus. Legend associates Gabriel with the angel of the fiery sword, barring the entrance to the Garden of Eden, and also with announcing the end of all earthly things. The Archangel Gabriel is celebrated July 13. The small tile is a typical North Russian depiction of the Archangel, who caries both a doorkeeper staff and an orb. In Russian churches, Gabriel is stationed on the Deacon Door to the right of the Royal Doors, and can easily be identified by the way he faces the viewer.
Supreme leader of the heavenly host, we implore thee that by thy prayers thou wilt encircle us, unworthy as we are, with the protection of the wings of thy immaterial glory, and guard us who fall down before thee and cry: Deliver us from dangers, for thou art the commander of the Powers above.
We suggest these glazes for this tile:
Transparent or Jade
Saint Nicholas The Wonderworker
8.25 x 12.25 inches
Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra, Patron of Russia, of travelers, seafarers and children. Most beloved of the Saints. In this portrait representation, he gives the sign of blessing while holding the Scriptures. He wears the omophorion (bishop's stole) about his neck.
Almighty God, who in thy love didst give to thy servant Nicholas Of Myra a perpetual name for deeds of kindness on land and sea: Grant, we pray thee, that thy Church may never cease to work for the happiness of children, the safety of sailors, the relief of the poor, and the help of those tossed by tempests of doubt or grief; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, for ever and ever.
We suggest these glazes for this tile:
Transparent or Oxide
Petrovskaya Mother Of God
7.5 x 9.25 inches
First drawn by Metropolitan Peter, Miracle Worker of Moscow, when he was still abbot of the monastery in Volhynia in 1307. The icon is celebrated on August 24.
Since thou art a well-spring of tenderness, O God-Bearer, make us worthy of compassion; Look upon a sinful people; Manifest thy powers as ever, for hoping on thee we cry aloud unto thee: Hail! as once did Gabriel, chief Captain of the Bodiless Powers.
We suggest these glazes for this tile:
Transparent or Oxide
Saint George's Prayer
5.75 x 3.75 inches
We suggest these glazes for this tile:
Transparent, Jade or Oxide
Great Martyr George The Victorious
8.75 x 11.5 inches
Though the earliest inscriptions to St. George date to the mid-IV century, the story of St. George and the Dragon is first told in the "Legendum Aureum" by Robert de la Vergeine, published in 1265. The Saint is shown miraculously subduing the monster which had been threatening the city of Beiruit. In gratitude for this deliverance, the king caused his subjects to be baptized. There are scholars who argue that the beast in this composition symbolizes the Roman emperor Diocletian (sometimes called "The Dragon") under whom St. George was martyred in 303.
As the deliverer of captives and the protector of the poor, as the physician of the feeble and combatant of kings, holy champion and great martyr George, intercede with Christ our God to save our souls.
We suggest these glazes for this tile:
Transparent or Oxide
From Psalm 137
7.25 x 8 inches
A psalm from the Exile, this tells of the Israelites' longing and sorrow from being taken away from Jerusalem, the earthly City of God. It goes on to relate their undying resolve to return. It is a psalm that tells us to remember our God during troubled times and in troubled places.
We suggest these glazes for this tile:
Transparent, Jade or Oxide
Saint Vlasios
8.5 x 10.25 inches
Saint Vlasios (or Blaise, in the West) was Bishop of Sebaste during the IV-century Roman persecutions. Having been forced to hide in the mountains, the Saint was captured as he prayed, surrounded by the animals he had befriended and healed. Saint Vlasios was made a martyr in 316, and is revered as the patron of wild animals. The Saint is shown as he blesses both the animals and his captor. The ox, stag, goat, wolf and lion are typical XIII-century forms. Above is the Mandylion, or The Savior Not Made By Hands. Framing the center are some of the animals the Saint loved, and above each, its home; whether ocean, forest or farmhouse. At top left is the three-headed eagle of Russian folklore, which lives in a kremlin. At top right is the Lion of Judah. It lives in the sun. We hope you might use this piece to provide fruit or seeds for the birds which Saint Vlasios loved so well.
O Unfading bloom, thou Godly shoot and fruitful branch of Christ God the vine, O holy and God-bearing Vlasios, do thou fill with joy them that with faith observe thy memorial; and unceasingly intercede with Christ our Redeemer that we all be saved.
We suggest these glazes for this tile:
Transparent center, with Transparent or Oxide frame
Saint Nicholas The Wonderworker And Scenes From His Life
16.25 x 20.5 inches
A portrait image of Saint Nicholas, surrounded by fourteen scenes from his life. Included are his birth and education, his ministry and miracles, his role at the Ecumenical Council at Nicea, and his repose in 342.
O Holy Saint Nicholas, instrument of the Lord, supplicate our God to bestow on us His Great Mercy. O Father and Hierarch, Saint Nicholas, intercede with Christ our God, that our souls may be saved, pray for me.
We suggest these glazes for this tile:
Transparent or Oxide
From Revelation 22
7.5 x 7 inches
Here, Saint John the Divine is shown a vision by one of the seven angels of the Lord. The Tree of Life, first mentioned in the Book of Genesis, appears again. Now, it grows in the new Jerusalem, the heavenly City of God. Saint John tells us, as best as words can relate, one fraction of how wonderful Heaven will be.
He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
We suggest these glazes for this tile:
Transparent, Jade or Oxide
Archangel Raphael
6.75 x 6.25 inches
And did the Countenance Divine, Shine forth upon our clouded hills? And was Jerusalem builded here, Among these dark Satanic Mills?
-William Blake, from "Milton: Preface"
Raphael is one of the four named Archangels in scripture (Tobit 3:17). The name means "Healing of God". Tradition holds that Raphael was given the task of restoring the earth after the downfall of Lucifer and his angels. The Archangel is shown hard at work, planting an angelica bush. Behind him are the pottery kilns from Stoke-on-Trent, symbolizing the earth laid waste. Raphael carries an angelic staff and his other attribute, the wayfarer's bag. He is flanked by a Seraph and by Great Martyr George, subduing the dragon.
We suggest these glazes for this tile:
Transparent, Jade or Oxide
Elijah In The Wilderness
4 x 4.75 inches
And it shall be, that thou shall drink of the brook; and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee. (from I Kings 17:1-6)
Elijah the Tishbite, Prophet of God, is shown by the brook of Cherith, having been sent there for refuge by divine command. There, the mighty Prophet was cared for by the humble ravens. Elijah took the leap of faith, and this story tells us to do the same; and that we will be cared for.
Incarnate Angel and summit of the Prophets, second forerunner of the coming of Christ, glorious Elijah who sent down grace from on high to the Prophet Elisha. He heals diseases and cleanses the leprous. He pours healings on all who honor him.
We suggest these glazes for this tile:
Transparent or Oxide
Saint Sava Enlightener Of Serbia
5.25 x 6.25 inches
Sava was born in 1169, the son of the great Serbian leader Stefan Nemanja. Early in life, Sava escaped the turmoil of the Balkan wars and became a monk of Mount Athos. Later in life, his father joined him, and became the monk Simeon. When Sava matured in years, he obtained from the Emperor and the Patriarch independence for the Serbian Church, and became its first archbishop. He made peace among warring factions within his family, his Church, his state, and with Serbia’s neighbors. Saint Sava is revered as patron of the people of Serbia; founder of Serbia and Serbian culture. Saint Sava reposed peacefully in 1236.
Thou wast a guide to the way of life, both Hierarch and teacher; thou didst come and enlighten thy country of Serbia O Sava, and give it rebirth by the Holy Spirit. Thou hast planted thy children like olive trees in a spiritual paradise. O Equal of the Apostles and Saints, pray to Christ our God to grant us His great mercy.
We suggest these glazes for this tile:
Transparent, or Oxide on Brown Clay
St .Joan Of Arc
5 x 6 inches
Sligo Creek Tile Company, 2011
Joan was born a peasant in the French village of Domremy in 1412. As a small child, she saw visions of St. Michael, St. Catherine and St. Margaret. In one, St. Michael commanded her to drive out the English so that Charles VII could be crowned King of France. A dubious Charles granted her a small army, in the hope of inspiring the demoralized French forces. Over the next three months a series of victories, each more significant and near-miraculous than the one before, culminated in the capture of Rheims, where Charles VII was indeed crowned king, as St. Michael had commanded. In subsequent fighting, however, Joan was captured and held by the English. Thus, by the age of 18, she had seen angels, led armies, been wounded three times in battle, had raised a King to his throne, and was now on trial for the crime of heresy.
Trial records survive to this day. Though given every opportunity to recant her beliefs, Joan was steadfast. In the end, the verdict of the ecclesiastical show trial was never in doubt, and she was convicted and condemned to death in 1431. Joan’s answer to the court was “Ne me pouvais pas, c’est pour cela que je suis nee (Do not pity me, it is for this that I was born).” The English burned her at the stake on May 30, 1431, at the age of 19. Her executioner expressed the fear that he had killed a saint. In this, he was proven correct.
Saint Joan of Arc is patron of soldiers, of those ridiculed for their faith, of captives, of martyrs, and of France itself. Her feast Day is May 30.

O Saint Joan of Arc, courageous woman soldier, called by God to fight and save your country from the enemy; grant that I, like you, may hear God’s call in my life and have the courage to follow it faithfully, as priest, religious, married or single.
May your motto: ‘May God be first served,’ be mine also; so that through me, He may build His kingdom here on earth.
Intercede to the Master of the harvest, that He may send laborers into His harvest.
Saint Joan of Arc, pray for us.
We suggest these glazes for this tile:
Transparent or Oxide on brown clay